Schedule & Scores
Player Penalties
Player Registration

Treasure Valley Adult Hockey Association

2019/2020 Fall Hockey Player Registration

In order to play during the upcoming season, ALL players MUST:
  • Be on a team roster that has paid the team registration fee in full by the deadline.
  • All players must also be current with their USA Registration you can find on-line at You will need to provide your 2019/20 USA Hockey Registration number on the TVAHA Player Agreement form.
  • Fill out and turn in the TVA Player Agreement form to your team captain. Team Reps need to submit this information on our before the Team Rep Meeting:
      2019-2020 CenturyLink Arena & TVAHA Skating Waivers

    2019/20 Season TVAHA Player Agreement Information

    TVAHA Hockey Arena & League Waivers

    CenturyLink Arena

    CenturyLink Arena Boise Skating Waiver September 2019 to August 2020

    I know the risk of injury from the activities involved with this facility is potentially significant and while particular rules, equipment, and personal discipline may reduce this risk, the risk of serious injury to me does exist; therefore, I knowingly and freely assume all such risks, both known and unknown, even if arising from the negligence of others, and assume full responsibility for my participation.

    Additionally, I understand and agree to fully comply with the following rules:

    • I understand it is the policy of the Century Link Arena that anyone on the ice must have read and signed a skating waiver; therefore, I understand that I, and any family members or guests, must first sign this skating waiver before skating or hockey playing will be permitted. (Additional skating waivers may be obtained from the Zamboni driver.)
    • I will neither bring nor consume any alcoholic beverages into the Century Link Arena.
    • I understand that the Century Link Arena has a zero tolerance policy regarding alcohol consumption, and that consuming alcohol within the Century Link Arena will result in a fine to the ice rental team.
    • I will skate only at designated times as authorized by the ice staff at the Century Link Arena.
    • I will not access the ice until the Zamboni has finished servicing the ice and the Zamboni doors have been closed.
    • I understand that the Century Link Arena does not encourage participants to either sit on or jump over the dasherboards and that doing so is done at my own risk.
    • I understand that the Century Link Arena reserves the right to refuse ice usage to any ice rental team and/or its participants if the above-mentioned rules are not followed.

    TVAHA Logo

    T.V.A.H.A Skating Waiver
    September 2019 - August 2020

    • I understand it is the policy of Treasure Valley Adult Hockey Association (T.V.A.H.A.) that anyone on the ice must have read and signed all skating waivers: Therefore, I understand that I, and any family members or guests, must first sign this skating waiver as well as the rink skating waiver prior to skating or hockey playing will be permitted.
    • Abuse of any on or off ice official will not be tolerate and could lead to the offending player being eliminated from any and all future USA Hockey sanctioned events.
    • I know the risk of injury from the activities involved with this event is potentially significant and while particular rules, equipment, and personal discipline may reduce the risk of serious injury to me and others does exist; therefore, I knowingly and freely assume all such risks, both known and unknown, even if arising from the negligence of others, and assume full responsibility for my participation.
    • I release, waive, discharge, and covenant not to sue Treasure Valley Adult Hockey Association, their administrators, directors, agents, and other members of the organization, other participants, sponsoring agencies, sponsors, or owners and leasors'/lessee's of premises used to conduct the event. All of which are hereinafter referred to as "releases" from demands, losses of damages on account of injury, including death or damage to property, caused in whole or part by the negligence of the releases or otherwise.
    • I will neither bring nor consume alcohol during the sessions at Century Link Arena unless in designated areas. If my actions result in a fine to Treasure Valley Adult Hockey Association it will be my responsibility to pay issued fine prior to the next scheduled session or I and my team will be ineligible to skate and no refund of fees will be given.
    • Each player is responsible for obtaining their own substitutes and collection of fees if necessary. Treasure Valley Adult Hockey Association will not refund fees for missing a scheduled game.
    • No body checks will be allowed - Absolutely NO FIGHTING will be tolerated!! USA Hockey rules will be effect for all games.
    • I understand that any adverse actions on my part may lead to my ejection from the current league as well as any future sessions.
    • I will not access the ice until instructed to do so by a member of Treasure Valley Adult Hockey Association or an on ice official.
    • I understand that the Treasure Valley Adult Hockey Association and Century Link Arena reserve the right to refuse ice usage to any participants if the above-mentioned rules are not followed.
    • I understand and agree that TVAHA staff, game officials and/or their representatives may order medical assistance including but not limited to emergency medical care/attention, ambulance or other emergency medical assistance in the event I as the participant suffer a series injury requiring emergency care. I also understand that I will be responsible for any and all expenses involved/related to that medical assistance, emergency care, ambulance, etc.